The purpose of this page is to act as a common support site for people who are in pain. To offer hope as we spiritually share together our experiences, our knowledge, our challenges and victories, while offering mutual support and encouragement.

There is only one specific 12-step group for People In Chronic Pain currently outside the Indianapolis area held once a week in Plainfield, IN. Considering the severity of chronic pain and its effects on personal quality of life and the communities in which our partners in pain dwell, we NEED to establish many more support services.

So until such a time... I believe that God has called me to do what I can with what I have.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Shadows Along the Way

I ponder about the depression that so oft' besets the person with chronic pain. It is a darkness that seems consuming ... inescapable ... threatening to swallow us up in its blackness of uncaring loneliness.

To be in the shadows is to have all the joy sucked out of every aspect of my life. It is the fear of the unknown. The realization that I can't stay in this place. It is drudgery, bleakness and hopelessness. Or is it???

You see... I believe that the shadow can be seen in another way. As I acknowledge the shadow for that which it truly is, I needn't fear. For a shadow is simply a result of a light shining beyond an obstacle. It is not solid and cannot hurt me. It has no course of its own. No ill intent against me personally. It simply exists to testify that there is a great light nearby. It is the light that has the power; not the shadow.

Walking down the pathway of my life and journey through pain, I experience the shadows of depression stretching toward me from time to time. However, if I remember the insight above I can overcome the despair of the shadows and realize the hope that is there.

For, if the shadow is reaching toward me, and I face it, I know that I am heading in the Light direction. The darker that the shadow appears, the more intense is the light that forms it.
My friend, I pray that you remember these words and draw upon the encouragement that is intended to help you as we travel this path together. Experience the joy as we draw closer to the light!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Depression is almost a constant with chronic pain, at least it is for me. Most days are good though, but there is still a sadness in me. A pain in my mind that tells me this isn't normal and neither am I. I remember everything I've missed out because of the pain, everything I should have done would have done. For awhile things got really bad, but God sent me my wonderful fiancé and things started to look up.

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